Because color reproduction varies across screen displays, colors shown are an approximation only; exact product color may differ.
Built to order. Ready to assemble.
I love these units! They are so well-engineered, so easy to put together, and so very attractive. We use them as display units for new titles and also as bookshelf units for the collection. The shelf depth works well for large print titles which tend to be of similar size, but we also use them for our Libros en Espanol collection which has books of various heights. The open bottom is ideal for areas where the shelving covers an electrical outlet that would otherwise be inaccessible. We store extra shelves behind the books on this level and the stored shelves are the perfect size to keep the books from slipping back into the deep opening and disappearing. The shelves are not only attractive, but they do not sag under a full load of books, and when the units are secured to one another, they do not lean or sway. I have purchased sets of these units year after year and am totally satisfied with their performance and durability.