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Built to order. Ready to assemble.
The ability to place a variety of types of shelving on the same unit could be very valuable. It would allow you to display a variety of related materials together.
looks nice and is nice shelving. the shelf doesn't go all the way to the back of the unit, but there is no way for books, or other items, to be hidden behind the shelf which is my big gripe.
Wonderful shelving for marketing items from the collection. Really catches the patron's eye.
These shelves had a "grippy" surface which means that books will not slide around.
Flexible shelving that fits a lot of different formats. Easy to move around, which is great for creating event space.
Versatile, easy to manipulate, great for changing displays in different areas of the library. Appealing - it draws the patron's attention to the display contents without little effort on the part of the staff.
A very good display unit allows for lots of display and storage.
I am not especially tall, and I like that the display shelving on the top shelf is at my eye level, and the 2nd shelf down (an adjustable shelf) is at my stepson's eye level.